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Mon - Fri: 9:00AM - 5:00PM

Resilient School Trees – RST’s

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The 400,000  students are enrolled in primary and secondary school. Most of them live in hazard zones, at risk from earthquakes, flash floods, extreme weather, or fire. The children of Ghana spend up to 50 per cent of their waking hours in school facilities, yet all too often schools are not constructed nor maintained to be disaster resilient.

RS Program is DRNGhana innovation to today’s multi risk environment education sector. RSs is an educational module, conceptualized to use the most interactive means possible, to engage, contain and sustain, the interest of targeted audiences, specifically pupils and students from the age of 5 to 18 towards progressive awareness of and on, Disaster and Resilience subjects, towards the sustainable management of same. RS Program protects students/pupils and education workers, school infrastructure to creates a culture of disaster risk reduction that benefits the community as a whole both today and future generations.

The Resilient Schools Program will protect learners and school workers from death, injury, and harm brought on by natural and human Induced Hazards.DRNGhana will use evidence-based advocacy, sound education practices, and incisive research to move the country to take decisive action.

16 Schools have been engaged with DRNGhana letters for endorsement. By close of the quarter we hope to reach 21 schools for

10,500 Students to benefits in the Resilient Schools Program per every quarter of 2021.  By increasing the scope, depth, and quality of DRNGhana Resilient Schools Program we will be able to protect students and school workers from death, injury and harm in the events of schools disasters. For just over $1 million, donors can help support the RS Program to reach 2.5 million children.